Veseli smo, da v teh težkih razmerah lahko pomagamo bolnikom ter s podarjenima respiratorjema olajšamo zdravljenje in morebiti celo rešimo življenje. Naša donacija je le majhna pomoč, v primerjavi s tistim, kar nam trenutno nudijo vsi zdravstveni delavci. Za njihov trud in požrtvovalnost se jim tudi v našem imenu iskreno zahvaljujemo. Tako tudi mi zanje »ostajamo doma«.


Today we came to the aid of patients and staff at the UMC Ljubljana, where they are fighting the new Covid-19 virus, and donated two respirators. We are thus joining several other companies in helping to address the major issue of the shortage in vital medical equipment.

We are happy to help patients in these difficult times, to ease treatment and, perhaps, to save lives with the donated respirators. Our donation is only a small contribution compared to the help currently being offered to us by all the medical personnel. We would like to sincerely thank them for their hard work and selflessness. We are also “staying home” for them.