Začasno zaprtje Shell Berchem črpalke v oktobru in novembru 2019

Ministrstvo za mobilnost in javna dela bo popolnoma zaprlo avtocesto A3 (Luxemburg) med Croix de Gasperich in Croix de Cessange v obeh smereh v naslednjih vikendih:

  • petek zvečer 25.10.2019 do ponedeljka zjutraj 28.10.2019
  • četrtek zvečer 31.10.2019 do ponedeljka zjutraj 04.11.2019

Zaradi zaprtja avtoceste A3, Shell Berchem črpalka v tem obdobju ne bo dosegljiva.

Vabimo vas, da svoja tovorna vozila preusmerite na naše druge Shell črpalke.

Hvala za razumevanje.


Temporary closure of the Shell station Berchem in October and November 2019

The Ministry of Mobility and Public works will completely close the motorway A3 (Luxembourg) between the Croix de Gasperich and the Croix de Cessange in both directions over the following weekends:

  • Friday evening 25.10.2019 to Monday morning 28.10.2019
  • Thursday evening 31.10.2019 to Monday morning 04.11.2019

Due to the closure of the A3 motorway, the Shell station Berchem will not be accessible during this period.

We are happy to welcome you with your trucks on our other Shell Stations.

Thank you for understanding.